What is Leadership McLean County?
Class Schedule Classes take place every other Friday from September through April covering a variety of topics & skill development, both in the classroom and through “hands-on” experiences. Class members also participate on a "Leaders On Loan Task Force Project" team to create implementable solutions to a community issue.
Leadership McLean county does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation or national origin in any of its activities.
Applications are closed for the 2025 class year. |
Applications MUST BE submitted through the online application form on the Wufoo platform. Unfortunately, the platform does not allow you to save and return to the information once started. Therefore, we are providing you with the questions on this application detail form so you can be prepared with your answers before you start the online application.
Attachments for the applications: A head shot of you is the only attachment that will need to added to your online application.
General Questions: The online application will ask you to provide general information such as your name, contact information, if you have ever completed another leadership program, the company / organization you work for, start date with the company, your title, and your supervisor’s name and contact information. You will also need to provide the type of organization you work for and the industry you represent.
Interest Assessment: The online application will ask you on a Likert Scale multiple choice questions as to “What are your interests in applying for Leadership McLean County?”
Referral Program: LMC loves our Alumni, so we always ask who referred you to the program and if that person who referred you is an LMC Alumni.
Headshot and Bio: We would love for you to attach a headshot of you and a short biography about yourself so we can get to know you and use it further in the program if you decide to join.
Short Answer Questions: The application consists of two short answer questions. The two questions are as follows:
- What do you hope to get out of Leadership McLean County?
- Do you have any specific questions that we can clarify for you about the Leadership McLean County program?
Class of 2025 Scholarship Application: Deadline to apply for scholarships is July 15, 2024. Unfortunately, we do not give out full scholarships. Please Chamber@mcleancochamber.org with any questions.
Statement of Commitment: The application does have a statement of commitment that each applicant must review, acknowledge, and certify. The language for this is provided below.
Statement of Commitment: The application does have a statement of commitment that each applicant must review, acknowledge, and certify. The language for this is provided below.
As Leadership McLean County is a cooperative effort to share experiences, knowledge and insight into the dynamic community of McLean County, participants are expected to attend all segments of every program session. One individual’s failure to attend diminishes the experiences for the remaining members of the program. Participation and attendance are the cornerstones of a successful program. Attendees are expected to be on time and attend the entire program each day.
Attendance is mandatory for all sessions. Unless otherwise stated, all programs will begin no earlier than 8:00am and end no later than 4:30pm. All class members must notify Chamber Staff in advance if they are unable to attend a specific Day Session in its’ entirety. A class participant’s persistent absenteeism will be reviewed and a determination regarding their continuation in the program will be made per the attendance policy. Non-participation in group projects and other outside activities will also be reviewed and could also jeopardize a class member’s graduation.
If accepted in the program, you and/or your organization will be obligated for the full tuition amount of $1,500 ($1,750 for non-chamber members), which covers all costs associated with the program, which include – but are not limited to - meals, refreshments, buses, materials, and mailings.
Self-Certification Language on the Application:
I have reviewed and understand the mission and program requirements of Leadership McLean County. If selected, I will devote the required time and pay my full tuition by August 30, 2024. If I am unable to comply with the requirements, I will voluntarily withdraw from the program. I understand that, in interest of the class experience for all participants, any participant may be removed from the class if, in the opinion of the Leadership McLean County Steering Committee, a participant’s conduct is not conducive to the work of the group.
Supervisor Certification Language on the Application:
I certify that I have full support to participate in the Leadership McLean County, Class of 2025 from my employer/supervisor/board chairperson. And they are aware of the time commitment necessary and the financial obligation.
Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2024-2025 Community Impact Project! The Community Impact Project program is part of Leadership McLean County and allows participants & businesses to partner, learn, & generate ideas from another at minimal to no risk. The project provides a skilled task force to develop a specific program or accomplish a project that impacts McLean County. All members in good standing of the McLean County Chamber of Commerce are eligible to apply. |
Applications for Class of 2025 projects are no longer being accepted.
Please be sure to read through all instructions in this document before completing the online application.
Proposed Projects must:
- Specify a distinct project or program for the applying organization.
- Define the project scope clearly, outlining deliverables achievable during the program.
- Explain how the project will fulfill an unmet need for both the applying organization and McLean County.
- Ensure sustainability beyond the volunteer work of the project group.
Application Process:
- Develop a strong application with project description and deliverables identified.
- Assign a project manager from your organization.
- Submit application by designated due of Monday, August 2, 2024.
- Semi-Finalist will interview with LMC Steering Committee Members about proposed project. Interviews will occur in August.
- If application is approved, notification of application approval will be sent by end of August.
Selection process:
- Semi-finalists will interview with project chairs.
- 3 projects will be chosen.
Project Process:
- Projects and Working Groups will be announced to the LMC Class in September at the Opening Retreat.
- The designated Project Manager will communicate with the Leadership Project working group on a regular basis and serve as the point of contact for the organization.
- Project Managers will be required to meet with the working group during the designated LMC events:
Leadership Project Chairs for the LMC Class of 2025 are Brandon Long, Shelly Moss, and Paul Tubbs. The Program Chairs will lead the application and selection process and will manage the project logistics for the LMC Class.
Class of 2025 Leadership Project Application
For general questions regarding Leaders on Loan, please contact Melanie Bautista at melanie@mcleancochamber.org.